Här har vi samlat ett urval vetenskapliga publikationer, föreläsningar, tidningsartiklar mm.
Naturliga klimatlösningar
Abstract: Existing knowledge reported here provides a robust basis for immediate global action to improve ecosystem stewardship as a major solution to climate change.
Rate of tree carbon accumulation increases continuously with tree size
Abstract: Forests are major components of the global carbon cycle, providing substantial feedback to atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. The results from this study resolve conflicting assumptions about the nature of tree growth.
Abstract: Sammanfattningsvis visar våra resultat att frekvensen vindfällning i sydsvenska skogar har ökat och att ökningen tycks bero på skogsbrukets utveckling.
Sparat löv i granbestånden minskar risken för stormskador vintertid
Abstract: När modellen analyserades visade det sig att sannolikheten för ett rent granbestånd att skadas under en storm av Gudrunkaraktär varierade från 7 %, för ett bestånd med en medelhöjd av 15 m, till över 50 % för ett bestånd med en medelhöjd av 30 m (Figur 3). Sannolikheten för de mest utsatta ytorna var hälften så stor när andelen gran var lägre än 70 %.
Higher levels of multiple ecosystem services are found in forests with more tree species
Abstract: Here, across a scale of 400,000 km2, we report that tree species richness in production forests shows positive to positively hump-shaped relationships with multiple ecosystem services. These include production of tree biomass, soil carbon storage, berry production and game production potential. For example, biomass production was approximately 50% greater with five than with one tree species
Abstract: Growing and harvesting bioenergy crops — corn for ethanol or trees to fuel power plants, for example — is a poor use of land, which is a precious resource in the fight against climate change, says a University of Michigan researcher.
Fewer biofuels, more green space
Abstract: Growing and harvesting bioenergy crops — corn for ethanol or trees to fuel power plants, for example — is a poor use of land, which is a precious resource in the fight against climate change, says a researcher.PDF: CO2 SKOG Fewer biofuels, more green space_ Climate action researcher calls for urgent shift — ScienceDaily.pdf